Participate in

Visualizing the Epic of Gilgamesh Workshop

Workshop done by: Mohamed al-Mahdi, Fatima a. Jalil



this workshop focuses on the principles of freehand drawing using pencil and ink. visualizing the dilmun’s epic of Gilgamesh; the participants will learn the elementary skills of story creation, conceptual sketching, character drawing, and representing the tale’s elements and characters in a creative aspect.      


The workshop outline:

Day 1:

Introduction: the epic of Gilgamesh

Who is Gilgamesh?

What is the story of Gilgamesh?

Who are the characters appearing in his tale?

Conceptualizing the epic of Gilgamesh from the artist’s perspective.


The epic of Gilgamesh from the artist’s eye: 

Create a story inspired from the tale.

Reimagination of the characters of Gilgamesh, his friend Enkidu, queen Ereshkigal and the lion.

Reimagination of epic’s elements, like sword, axe, shrine, crown and outfit.


Day 2:

The principles of freehand drawing:

Drawing characters’ head and face features.

Drawing characters’ hands and body.

Drawing characters’ body from three dimensions.

Drawing characters from different perspectives.


Day 3:

Drawing a complete illustration representing the epic of Gilgamesh:

Drawing objects relevant to the tale.

Understanding light and tone methods.

Understanding the illustration’s scenario.

Drawing a complete illustration using skills learned during the workshop.


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