Participate in

Al-Dana Journey Story

The life journey of the pearl “Dana” and the story of moving from the depth of the seas to be placed in the middle of a necklace, worn by a girl named Dana also. Her plight is different from her friend, the pearl “Mooza, who chose and preferred to stay in the sea and refused to embark on an unknown adventure. The story also features mesmerizing Hazawi (stories) of the Sea, the pearl divers heading to a dangerous and perilous four-month sea journey in search for the precious oysters pearls (danat), the exact job occupation of each sailor or pearl diver onboard the ship ( Al Boum) and their names.

Handwork: Participants will be given different natural environment materials and each participant will try to create his own a ship using any materials he likes.
The workshop will highlight the three main themes:

Reading Al-Dana Journey Story
Discover Pearling Path site
Building a ship using recycled materials and objects

Workshop Fees: 5 BD; the trainer will contact you to provide you with the payment mechanism. For the safety of all participants, please keep wearing your masks.


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