Participate in

Tour: Goldsmith Craft, Like Nowhere Else.

Type: Tour
Title: Goldsmith Craft, Like Nowhere Else
Date: 18 February 2023
Time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Age: +16
Meeting Point: Post Office Museum
Registration Fees: BD5/ per person
Bahrain has earned a renowned reputation for its gold in the GCC and the region because of its purity, quality, craftsmanship, and value. Accordingly, the Tour will allow people to visit several gold shops like Al Alawi Jewelry and Devji, as well as the associated landmarks and workshops in Manama. Manama lab is a multidisciplinary design collaborative that explores solutions to shape human-centered experiences. The Lab undertakes research and design practices that aim to propose locally driven insight to often neglected marginal spaces, sustaining a city’s livability. By employing various tools for different scales of impact, Manama Lab aims to weave locality and impactful social development within neighborhoods, therefore re-enforcing co-existence and familiarity as an aid against the critical urban challenges of the contemporary city.

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