Music Festival 22

Lat: ".$location_coordinates[0] ."
Lon: ".$location_coordinates[1]; $location_coordinates = get_coordinates(('' != '' ? '' : 'Cultural Hall'), '26.238633', '50.598274'); $data =array( /*[0]*/array('Category',''), /*[1]*/array('Country','Czech Republic'), /*[2]*/array('Date','24 October 2013 8:00 pm'), /*[3]*/array('Venue','' != '' ? '' : 'Cultural Hall'), /*[4]*/array('WEBSITE',''), /*[5]*/array('Tickets',''), /*[6]*/array('Note','Free, Limited Seats'), /*[7]*/array('Minimum age','6 Years'), /*[8]*/array('more info',''), /*[9]*/array('',''), /*[10]*/array($location_coordinates[0],$location_coordinates[1]), /*[11]*/array('','') ); //echo '
//  var_dump($data);
//  var_dump($location_coordinates);
//echo '
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Prague Chamber Orchestra

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Renowned around the world as the only orchestra to play without a conductor, the Prague Chamber Orchestra’s ensemble of string and wind instrument magicians will perform different styles of orchestral scores, from the classical compositions of Mozart and Haydn, to the High Baroque melodies of Bach and Vivaldi, and Bohemian masters such as Michna, Zelenka, and others.