Music Festival 22

Lat: ".$location_coordinates[0] ."
Lon: ".$location_coordinates[1]; $location_coordinates = get_coordinates(('' != '' ? '' : 'Cultural Hall'), '26.238633', '50.598274'); $data =array( /*[0]*/array('Category',''), /*[1]*/array('Country','Syria'), /*[2]*/array('Date','25 October 2013 8:00 pm'), /*[3]*/array('Venue','' != '' ? '' : 'Cultural Hall'), /*[4]*/array('WEBSITE',''), /*[5]*/array('Tickets',''), /*[6]*/array('Note','Free, Limited Seats'), /*[7]*/array('Minimum age','6 Years'), /*[8]*/array('more info',''), /*[9]*/array('',''), /*[10]*/array($location_coordinates[0],$location_coordinates[1]), /*[11]*/array('','') ); //echo '
//  var_dump($data);
//  var_dump($location_coordinates);
//echo '
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Lena Chamamyan

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The Syrian-Armenian singer, Lena Chamamyan, is a true musical innovator who will make her debut in Bahrain with her latest project, “Hannah and Blossoms”. The concert will import the traditional Damascene air to the stage and infusing it with an oriental jazz spirit indicative of her singular musical style.