Participate in

Hand Embroidery Workshop (Advanced Level)

Al Jasra Handicrafts Center organizes a workshop on Hand Embroidery for advanced level participants.  Worth to mention first, that embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn. In this way, it has been practiced for decades. Using different techniques or stitches, embroidery allows you to create beautiful embellishments on clothes, adding a unique touch to the fabric used.   This workshop focuses on learning the basic stitches in embroidery and how to apply it on a ready pattern. However, this workshop is ideal for those with hand embroidery experience, and a required prior knowledge of basic embroidery stitches or those who have attended the Intermediate Hand Embroidery workshops. Participants will   learn in depth stitches, experiment with a range of different threads and explore fabrics that are slightly more difficult to use.


Workshop topics include:

  • Training on 7 advanced embroidery stitches
  • Training on thread painting.
  • Training on creating 3D Stitches.




4 – 6 pm

(6 Hours)


19 Feb. 2023


20 Feb. 2023


21 Feb. 2023


Age: 18 years and above.

Language:  English & Arabic


Registration Form