Events and

Talk with a Craftsman Al-Nakhlawi & Saff Al-Khous

Kingdom of Bahrain
Tuesday, 20 February - 7:00 PM
House of Basket Weaving
Minimum age
Suitable for 15 years & above

The palm tree has a deep connection with Bahrain's history and land for thousands of years. Palm gardens remain highly significant to the local community, with Bahrain once being known as the Land of a Million Palm Trees. Locals have always had a fondness for this blessed tree, leading to the development of methods and practices aimed at preserving and protecting it. To introduce the public to the crafts related to palms, the House of Basket Weaving hosts a talk featuring the palm tree caretaker (Al-Nakhlawi), Sayed Saleh Jafar Hasan, and the palm tree frond weaving (Saff Al-Khous) practitioner, Zainab Abduljabbar.