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17 June 2019 H.E Shaikha Mai Receives TAMKEEN CEO, Dubai Expo 2020 Bahrain’s Participation Discussed
H.E Shaikha Mai Receives TAMKEEN CEO, Dubai Expo 2020 Bahrain’s Participation Discussed


H.E Shaikha Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, President of the Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities, received on 17 June 2019,  Chief Executive of the Labour Fund (Tamkeen) Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Janahi. Both parties discussed ways and means of boosting cooperation to promote the cultural scene, putting Bahrain on the world cultural map.

H.E Shaikha Mai Bint Mohammad welcomed Dr. Ibrahim Janahi, praising the constructive continuous cooperation between Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities and TAMKEEN, expressing thanks to Dr. Janahi for his unwavering support for BACA’s projects. BACA’s President highlighted keenness to forge strong partnerships with various sides to enhance the local cultural movement, expressing appreciation of Tamkeen’s promotion to youth and cultural activities.

The meeting also discussed the different aspects of partnership and cooperation to make Bahrain’s participation in Dubai Expo 2020 a bright success, given that the event is considered a golden opportunity to show the whole world and millions of visitors the deeply-rooted history , civilization and local culture of the Kingdom of Bahrain.   Bahrain’s national pavilion in the Expo 2020 Dubai will further elaborate on the chosen theme of diversity as opportunity introducing the ways in which the theme has been developed and imbedded within the exhibition and programming components of the pavilion. Bahrain Authority for Culture, which received an international appraisal,  operating under the thematic umbrella of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’, examines the relationship between density, opportunity, sustainability and mobility as components of a thriving society, H.E added.

Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Janahi , for his part, lauded the landmark cultural and tourism achievements attained by Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities,  expressing his thanks to H.E  Shaikha Mai for her tireless efforts to enhance the local and international cultural important events. Dr. Janahi also express TAMKEEN’s readiness to support the cultural projects to accentuate the civilizational achievements at the local and international cultural levels at Dubai Expo 2020.