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Undoubtedly, the 14th Edition of the Spring of Culture Festival has not yielded yet all its secrets and magnificent magic, and is not limited only to music concerts, art exhibitions, literary and academic lectures, but encompasses also a new challenging educational training program this year, reaching out to the greatest possible social categories living in Bahrain, nationals and residents alike.
Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities offers an open free admission workshops, covering all artistic fields and held in different cultural locations during March 2019, such as Al-Khlifiyah Library, Bahrain National Theater and Qala’at al Bahrain Site Museum.
Indeed, Bahrain National Theater is hosting many “ Flexible Theater” workshops; on 9 March 2019, there will be a workshop on “ The Art of Listening” by Youssif Yaseen, while Isa Najm will present “Social Media for Musicians” workshop on 16 March 2019. On 23 March 2019, Aaref Bujjiri, accompanied by Mohammad Bin Faris Music Band, a workshop on popular folk music. Qal’at al Bahrain Site Museum will hold “Building Bahraini traditional houses” workshop on 7 March 2019 and “My Gift to My Mum Workshop” on 16 March.
Registration for participation in any event or above-mentioned workshop, more details and information about any other event, please visit BACA’s website : . For more information about the festival’s events, please visit the official website