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Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities (BACA) invites the Public to discover the wonders of Mugaba archaeological site, through a field visit touring the Japanese archaeological team’s excavations at Muqaba site, on 22 November 2019 at 4:00 pm. Please note that this offer is available to those wishing to attend and register via BACA’s web site :
Dr. Saito from the “Archaeological Institute of Nara” will lead the tour and will answer and present any enquiries in English. Participants and the general public will be offered the opportunity to discover the hidden archaeological wonders of the historical heritage of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and will enjoy a tour around Muaqaba archaeological site, which includes a number of similar burial mounds, in size and period of time, dating back to Late Tylos period.
The tour is part of BACA’s strategy to invite participants and the general public to discover the hidden archaeological wonders of the historical heritage of the Kingdom of Bahrain.