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Representing Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, Mr. Hani Ali Bahzad, Director of Bahrain is National Theatre, has participated virtually via webinar online platform in the 52nd meeting of the GCC General Cultural Committee on 19 September 2021. The Kingdom of Bahrain, the member state holding the Presidency, was leading the meeting as per the request of the Secretariat General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, to follow up the implementation of the decisions of the 2424th Meeting of Their Highnesses and Excellencies the Ministers of Culture in the GCC countries
At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Hani Ali Bahzad welcomed the participants and expressed his happiness for holding such constructive meeting aimed to discuss the best ways to the decisions of the 24th Meeting of Their Highnesses and Excellencies the Ministers of Culture in the GCC countries, as well as the Declaration of the Riyadh 40th summit, gathering of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s Supreme Council, to face the challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic, its implications on the cultural sectors in the GCC countries, as well as the GCC Cultural Strategy 2020-2030. In addition, the meeting also shed lights on issues related to the to the Translation and Arabization Center, as well as ways to enhance GCC national unique identity, the joint cultural events and activities and the GCC Common Cultural Action Strategy plans. The meeting also discussed the international cooperation opportunities available to boost cultural programs and activities, the joint meeting between the GCC culture officials and the book fairs’ successful experiences held in the GCC countries.