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The Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities has opted to commemorate the conclusion of the 32ndBahrain International Music Festival with an amazing genuine Bahraini musical heritage touch and flavor. Indeed, “ Fann al-Sawt” (the Art of Sound) concert, which is the first of its kind, will certainly take audience of the Bahrain National Theater on October 20, 2023 into a magical trip, a sweet rhythmic journey to enjoy a vivid experience with this ancient Bahraini musical art. For those who do not know this art, what is Fann al Sawt? And why did the Culture Authority has dedicated a special emphasis important space within this year’s edition of the International Music Festival?
Indeed, the art of sound or voice is considered one of the pillars of ancient Arabic singing and is the local form of popular singing for the Gulf region in general and the Kingdom of Bahrain in particular. In Bahrain, the city of Muharraq was the cradle of this art and the source of its spreading, with popular music traditional houses in the city working to develop and promote it, extending its fame to various surrounding cities and countries. However, despite the development of the singing and musical movement locally, “ Fann Al-Sawt” (the art of voice) in Bahrain still maintains its originality and artistic characteristics to this day. It is known as the “elite” art, and its first pioneers in the Kingdom are considered among the best vocal artists ever in the region.
Fan Al Sawt is another popular genre of music in Bahrain. The urban style uses fixed-form poetry and is based on an Arabic melodic system called maqam. The genre was established in the early 20th century in Bahrain and Kuwait. The dance that accompanies the music, known as zaffan, involves a pair of men dancing in the evening in a meeting hall (samra) while someone sings and plays an oud (an Arabic stringed instrument) backed by the rhythms of a small drum (mirwas) and the intricate clapping patterns. In the wake of the great upheaval of tradition that took place in the thirties, Muhammad bin Faris (d. 1947), a remarkable writer and composer of the sawt, played a large and vigorous role in the renewal of the genre, founding Bahrain’s first school of sawt. This record pays tribute to the immense talent of this distinguished personality.
Therefore, the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, keen to promote and enhance the importance and of Fann Al-Sawt art, as one of the most important elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Kingdom of Bahrain, has deployed strenuous efforts to celebrate this art. Honoring the festive sweet past memories of Fann al Sawt by holding concerts in one of the best and largest music and opera spaces in the Kingdom, namely the Bahrain National Theater, BACA is paying tribute to an essential element of its modern music heritage. Thus, on 20 October 2023, the Bahrain Music Band conducted by Maestro Zeyad Zaiman, featuring the esteemed Bahraini singer Ahmed Al Jumairi, singer Mohamed Al Tamimi and singer Abdulrahman Awadh present an exceptional performance. The performance showcases a diverse selection of the most important works of the pioneers and founders of the Bahraini Sawt music schools, including Mohamed bin Faris, Dhahi bin Wlaid, and Mohamed Zowayed.
Tickets are now available for sale to attend this memorable traditional Bahraini music concert held at the Bahrain National Theater, at Virgin Megastore Bahrain and City Center, or the stores’ website. For more information and details about the festival and the dates of its events, you can visit the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities website WWW.CULTURE.GOV.BH or follow the authority’s account on the social media site at @CultureBah.