Music Festival 22

Lat: ".$location_coordinates[0] ."
Lon: ".$location_coordinates[1]; $location_coordinates = get_coordinates(('' != '' ? '' : 'Cultural Hall'), '26.238633', '50.598274'); $data =array( /*[0]*/array('Category',''), /*[1]*/array('Country','Azerbaijan'), /*[2]*/array('Date','23 October 2013 8:00 pm'), /*[3]*/array('Venue','' != '' ? '' : 'Cultural Hall'), /*[4]*/array('WEBSITE',''), /*[5]*/array('Tickets',''), /*[6]*/array('Note','Free, Limited Seats'), /*[7]*/array('Minimum age','6 Years'), /*[8]*/array('more info',''), /*[9]*/array('',''), /*[10]*/array($location_coordinates[0],$location_coordinates[1]), /*[11]*/array('','') ); //echo '
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//  var_dump($location_coordinates);
//echo '
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Alim Qasimov Ensemble

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From North Africa to East Asia, the music of the Alim Qasimov Ensemble is a veritable history lesson which reflects the nuances of cultures past that left their indelible mark on the region and produced the traditional Azerbaijani music known as Mugham. The program is presented in collaboration with the Aga Khan Music Initiative, a program of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.